Borneo Inside

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


There are many ways that we can do to spend our holidays. Mostly we can choose to visit tourism objects to relax and put away the problem for a while. In our region, West Kalimantan, there are many options that we can choose like Pasir Panjang beach, Samudra Beach and Rindu Alam in Singkawang.
But  if we want to get more challenges in the way to get recreation place, we can choose to go to the hidden waterfall, named Pancur Aji Waterfall in Sanggau  regency. Before we  get there, we must be well-prepared. We get there through long journey and the last we have to be on foot hiking to get to the waterfall.
When we decide to choose Pancur Aji waterfall as our destination , first we must prepare  everything we need  very well. We need to check  our car condition. We must make sure that all in good condition from the engine  to the tires and also the reserving tire, just in case we got flat-tire in the journey. Then if we plan to have a camping ,we need to bring  tent of course. Beside the waterfall, there is a little space that we can use to  set the tent. The last preparation is food; just make sure that our meals are enough in the recreation time.
After we finish the preparation, means that we are ready for the first challenge that is long and impressive journey. The distance from Pontianak and Sanggau district is quite far. It is about 200 km  away. We must spend more and less  eight hours before we get there. Beside  far  and tiring, the journey is actually quite impressive, too, especially if we go at night. When we are at Tayan region, we can feel the car is shaking along the road because of the condition of the road is very poor even also bit dangerous because there are two sharp letters “S” turn there. But if we look at the sky, it is really amazing; there is nothing that borders our view to see a lot of stars in the sky. It is  a view that we cannot get in the city at the night.
Next, when we arrive at Pancur Aji Gate, we will experience a new way of driving car. For about 10 minutes we will feel just like playing roller-coaster in Dufan Jakarta. The way to get there is bumpy because actually we are in the hill. When we are up, what we see is the sky and when we want to go down it is less than 40 degree angle. It is a real sensation that speeds up our adrenaline. After that we have to go on foot to get to the top of the waterfall. The path is also exciting because it is slippery and  so we have to be careful in everystep. After 20 minutes hiking, we finally arrive to the waterfall; we will feel all of our effort is worthy because the view is incredible. The water is so pure and the air is so fresh but alsocold . We can hear the sound of water in the steam even we can play gliding action , too. Absolutely, it is a great experience to take in the holiday. 
So finally the hidden waterfall Pancur Aji is an absolutely wonderful tourism object that deserves to be visited because its amazing natural view from the hill, the forest, until the four level of waterfall. Beside its great panorama, Pancur Aji waterfall is the right place to relax our mind, losing the stress that is burden in our life as well as get back to the nature. So, when you are bored with beach view or the crowded city, you can visit Pancur Aji, the hidden waterfall in Sanggau district.

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