Borneo Inside

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Nanga Mahap is sub quarter of Sekadau regency. It is 400 kilometers away and it takes 12 hours to get there from Pontianak. Along the road, live the biggest ethnic in West Borneo and known as Dayak. It has an ethnic that left behind from globalization and lived in furious land.
Dayak has a biggest and oldest ethnic in West Borneo and it has 200 subs of Dayak itself. Each of them has a different use of language, tradition and how they communicate with other. Many of them live in edge of river, inside forest and they have been living under poverty for many years. There, people have been living with no technology and no communication. It makes them maintenance with the culture and keeps it in the correct track.

My friend and I had observed how people comprehended the president election particularly in bordered community or rural area. We wanted to perceive how far they assumed and well-known about the candidate in the election. In 21th century, there still lots of villages that have not been impressed by technology during many years. The government only cautions about the money without care about poverty. The rich become more and the poor become hard to live.
Beringin village takes 10 hours from Nanga Mahap and it is across two rivers, stone road and two hills. There, 50 heads of family live in Long House. The typical of long house has unique, the house stand upper 2 meters and more from earth. Based on local people, it has been prepared to avoid animal attack and they can battle from animal attack together. Now, the total of long house in West Borneo has reduced and only in a few places.
All people here have a strong power. They might climbed 2 hills without any tools, and swam the long river without any boat. The uncompromising land constructs them grow into a strong people and no compromise for faintness.
Night in Beringin has pretty night. Far away from town creates lot of sense such as peaceful, fresh air to breath and magnificent viewed. Celebration of rice’s fruitage was held. It has been waited by all of people every year. All of people were enthusiasms to celebrate that day. In all night, they exposed their expression with dance and song.
5 days left in the village, they regard us as they family. It indicated that we have incorrect preception when critic them as a wicked ethnic. In fact,  they have a good manner when encountered people. They prized us like their family. Moreover, we did not want back to the town. A little celebration was held when we went back. They have full respect to other people who stay in their village. It is warn us that we have to respect each other. When we respect people, people will do same like us.

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